Hanalei Pier Restoration Complete

Sunrises over the new Hanalei Pier
Nothing quite says summer on Kauai like a day on Hanalei Bay, a walkout to the end of the pier and a jump into the crystal clear water below. The Hanalei Landing has long been a significant landmark of Kauai’s north shore.
Over the years deterioration, weather , neglect and vandalism left the canopy at the end of the pier a dangerous attraction. Last year The Hanalei Rotary Club spearheaded Save the Pier, a project that raised over $170,000 toward the restoration project.
This last Thursday an official blessing and celebration took place for the newly restored roof canopy at the end of Hanalei Pier. Governor Abercrombie was on Kauai to take part in the ceremony and celebration along with Mayor Carvalho, Rotary Club Members, project contractors, the restoration team and many members of the community. Mahalo to all who contributed to the preservation of this very special part of our community and Kauai’s history.

Farewell old shed Mahalo for the memories.