Kauai is the most popular island in the State for hiking. Most of Kauai is inaccessible by road, but can be discovered by one of the numerous hiking trails throughout the island.Hiking trails range from short day hikes to more advanced hiking where overnight camping and permits are required.

If you would like to see more of Kauai ‘s interior we suggest booking a tour that includes some hiking to show you some of the spectacular natural wonders Kauai has to offer.

To Book Call or Text 808-822-2846 Toll Free 800-652-8248

Always stay on well marked trails and let someone know where you are hiking for the day. Stay safe on vacation. Hike across the Alakai Swamp boardwalk.  Hike into Kauai’s interior and reward yourself with a swim at a waterfall fed swimming hole or a leisure stroll through one of the botanical gardens. Kokee State Park offers an array of  hiking trails into the beautiful Waimea Canyon, nicknamed “Grand Canyon of the Pacific.

The Kokee Museum has hiking maps of the area and will give information on area hikes that would be most suitable for your experience and time allowed. The Kalalau Trail is by far the most popular hike on Kauai.  The Na Pali coast offers the most diverse topography on Kauai. If you are looking for an easy hike, check out  Nounou trail up the Sleeping Giant. This is a great hike for the whole family that starts off on a shady forested trail and a slow climb up to the Giants chest, where a beautiful 360 degree view awaits.

Hiking Tips To Keep You Safe

  • Always tell someone where you are hiking (name and location of trail) you plan to hike and when you plan on returning.
  • Never hike alone
  • Get Information about the trail and learn your route before you start
  • Know your level of fitness and pick a trail that matches for fitness level
  • Check Weather Conditions Never cross a river during heavy rain and flash flooding conditions
  • Wear Proper Clothing – Dress in layers so you can protect your skin from the tropical sun. Wearing a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen is recommended. It is always a good idea to have a light rain jacket. Kauai weather changers quickly.
  • Wear proper Shoes – Hiking boots offer traction and ankle support to prevent slipping and injuries on muddy trails and slick or sharp rocks.